Friday, August 27, 2010

Urban Shaman by C.E. Murphy

So, I started reading this series and I'm having a hard time sticking to it. It's alright but I'm not hooked on it. I don't think the characters have enough depth. I think the author has a good storyline but she takes a really long time to get to the punch. Also, there is a very small touch of romance more like a tease but I think it needs more oomph. I don't necessarily recommend it or not recommend it.

Kim Harrison-Early to Death, Early to Rise

I love Kim Harrison! She has strong female characters, action, wit and twists and turns in the storyline. This book/series is no different. It's a YA novel so they are a VERY quick and easy read. Even being a mom of a 3yr old and a newborn I finished this book in 48 hours.

Monday, August 9, 2010

BumGenius 4.0 Giveaway

Since all my followers are parents I think mommies I'm posting a link to this Blog and giveaway. Penniless Parenting shows you ways to run your household a little thriftier. Check it out and enter the giveaway if you want to try cloth diapering. It's really easy and very thrifty :)